My portfolio showcases a comprehensive collection of certifications representing my dedication to continual learning and professional excellence. These diverse qualifications attest to my adaptability and versatility in technology, business, and design, equipping me to excel in a wide array of projects. Explore my credentials to learn more.


Angular Fundamentals

Scalability and Performance

Advanced Routing

State Management

Component Architecture

Deployment and Continuous Integration

Introduction to ChatGPT Plugins

Plugin Architecture and Components

API Integration Techniques

HTTP Fundamentals

Request and Response

Authentication and Authorization

Pagination and Filtering

Error Handling

HATEOAS (Hypermedia as the Engine of Application State)

Web APIs (Application Programming Interfaces)

HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol)

RESTful APIs (Representational State Transfer):

Endpoints and Resources

Data Formats

fundamental Git commands like git init, git clone, git add, git commit, and git push.

Branching and Merging.

Troubleshooting and Conflict Resolution.

Introduction to JavaScript

Variables and Data Types

Operators and Expressions

Control Flow

Functions,Arrays and Objects,DOM Manipulation

Events, Asynchronous JavaScript,Error Handling

ES6 Features(Arrow Functions; Template Literals; Destructuring; Spread and Rest Operators; Classes and Modules).

JSON, Promises, API Consumption.

Principles like immutability, pure functions, and higher-order functions.

Security Fundamentals

Authentication vs. Authorization

Security Filters

Authentication Mechanisms: Form-Based Authentication

Token-Based Authentication

OAuth and OpenID Connect

Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) Protection

Session Management, Password Encryption, Remember-Me Authentication, Single Sign-On (SSO)

Java Programming Fundamentals


Android Studio Setup

User Interface (UI) Design

Kotlin Syntax and Basics

Introduction to Python

Python Syntax and Fundamentals

Input and Output

Error Handling

String Manipulation

Lists and Loops

Functions and Modules

Basic Algorithms